What started as your typical tenant improvement project turned into a complete overhaul of a brand. Under the direction of leadership, Great Expressions was looking to expand its brand and widen its horizons with a new fresh look, starting with its call center in Southfield, MI.
With its concrete floors and white walls, the previous space was in need of a new look that brought in more warmth and vibrancy. They were looking for aspects that would create a “homey” vibe for their guests as they walked in the door. Bringing the focal point of this project to the reception area.
The goal for the reception space and the entire office was to replicate the warmth and comfort of one’s living room. With the addition of the wooden features to the already exposed ceilings, our construction and design team was able to achieve the desired look easily and accentuate the space to bring the office back to life.
With the “homey” concept top of mind, Great Expressions brought up the concept of incorporating a living wall. However, due to some logistical issues, this wasn’t an option, so we opted to use faux moss greenery instead. In doing this, we were able to integrate this greenery throughout the entire suite, from the reception area back to the individual offices. We were even able to add in a cross-functional piece that complemented the overall aesthetic with a full-length moss wall on one side, and a whiteboard for meetings on the flipside.
With wooden accents, open ceiling and greenery throughout the entirety of the suite, the focus for the back offices was to highlight these features. The actual offices are positioned so that everything is centrally located away from the windows, with glass walls sectioning off areas to foster this idea of collaboration and co-working.
To completely immerse themselves in this office rebrand, Great Expressions opted to use a furniture vendor who would be able to bring in funky, eclectic patterns to bring the collaborative areas together with a twist. The aesthetic of the space has left everyone excited to see what’s in store as Great Expressions gears up to bring these features into their dental practices across the area. Stay tuned to see what is to come!
Company: Great Expressions
Project Type: Design & Construction
Completed By: Rachel Kulich